About Charlotte

CharlotteI am a retired teacher of 31 years and live in a small town in North Carolina where I grew up.  I have been happily married to my husband, Bob for 41 years, have 2 kids – Kelly (married to Drue and they have 2 sons, Miles, 7; and Cole, 4) and Scott (married to Emily and they have our little granddog, Minnie.)   Along with my relationship with God, they are the most important blessings in my life.  I treasure time with them and adore my two grandsons who call me their Nan.  They continually teach me so much about life and love.

I have a degree in Elementary Education and taught in the public school system for 31 years.  I retired 9 years ago and have enjoyed spending more time with my husband and our family, volunteering, being active in our church, loving our grandsons, doing things with friends, exercising, reading, writing, listening to music, and enjoying the beauty of God’s creations.

I grew up attending church and am very grateful for the heritage of faith I have had handed down to me by my parents and grandparents and have continued with our own family.  Through the years I have  been involved in many women’s Bible studies as a leader and participant.  I have taught children, youth, and adult Sunday School classes, as well as Vacation Bible School, and have been involved with our church’s Prayer Shawl Ministry.

It is my hope and desire that this Daily Devotional will bring you the assurance of God’s presence and love each and every day in the coming year.