Don’t Worry About Tomorrow

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. Matthew 6:34

I love meaningful quotes and sayings that can so appropriately convey what we are feeling. These little expressions are often simplistic and easy to remember, but what wisdom they can hold. They offer “food for thought”, inspiration by letting our imaginations dream and hope, and they give us understanding of our deepest emotions. They may echo what we already know in our hearts, but can’t find the words to express. Or more importantly, they may help us recognize a truth about life that we have experienced, but haven’t been able to acknowledge and fully understand.

The following quotes seem to do the latter so well: “I am an old man and have known my troubles, but most of them never happened!” (Mark Twain)  Or how about these by Corrie Ten Boom: “Worry does not empty tomorrow of its sorrows, but it does empty today of its strength”. And this is one of my favorites: “Never be afraid to trust an unknown future to a known God.” (She is the author of the book, The Hiding Place, in which she writes about how she, her father, and other family members helped save hundreds of Jewish lives during the Holocaust.)

These quotes are so meaningful, but no one can express the futility of worry more beautifully than the One who understands life above all others, the One who knew the pain and sacrifice of what the future would hold, but who “held” on to His loving Father with complete trust in Him. What words of truth He gives us with these words: Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own.”

Jesus knew that it is our human nature to worry, and He often spoke about the anxiety of worrying needlessly. He instructs His followers and all believers not to be concerned about what we will eat or drink, or about our bodies, or what we will wear. He reminds us of the care our Father gives to the birds of the air and the lilies of the field, and gives us these comforting words, “Are you not much more valuable than they? Who of you by worrying can add a single hour to his life?”

How much time we waste worrying about things that never come about! How much fear and anxiety we put ourselves through that is unnecessary! It can deplete our energy, drain our emotions, and steal our joy. We can truly become so worried about tomorrow that we can’t even live for today.

If only we could remember to place our trust in God and turn it all over to Him, then we could live with so much more contentment and peace. For when we worry, it’s as if we have a lack of trust in God. We can get so consumed with our thoughts and our lives that we miss out on the small joys that God longs to give us. He desires for us to love each other through the difficult times and always be mindful of His strength and presence.

One day at a time – sometimes one hour at a time. May we place our concerns in His hands and trust in Him.


Dear Lord, we thank you for your strength, mercy, and presence to carry us through the difficult and challenging times of life. Help us to turn our fears and anxieties over to you and focus on today, and not worry about tomorrow. May we always lift up others by reminding them of your love and grace. Amen

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