Transformed by His Grace

And we, who with unveiled faces all reflect the Lord’s glory, are being transformed into His likeness, with ever-increasing glory, which comes from the Lord, who is the Spirit. 2 Corinthians 3: 18

“Often in life what appears to be an ending is really a glorious new beginning.”

Such is true in the life of Christ. His earthly life came to an end, but through His saving grace, He has given those of us who believe in Him a new life filled with hope, joy, and love.

As we have read many of the Scripture passages about the events leading up to His resurrection on Easter Sunday, it seemed to have been such a hopeless time filled with darkness and despair, but yet, we can remember that it also became a time of hope and celebration. Many of us, too, have experienced our own transformations as we have grown in faith and love.

A beautiful metaphor often used for the changes that can take place within us is the metamorphosis that takes place in the life of a butterfly. The butterfly is a symbol of life and freedom. Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord, has given us both in abundance.

Just as the butterfly goes from an egg to a fuzzy catepillar in its early stages, we become transformed when we first accept Christ into our lives. In the same way the catepillar stumbles and inches its way along, spending most of its time eating, changing greatly in size, and shedding its outer layers of skin, we, too, are changing and trying to find our way.

At the time, we are young in faith, wisdom, and knowledge. We need to “feed” our faith – spend time with other believers, learn as much as we can about God and His Word, and rid ourselves of negative habits, emotions, and of anything that might hinder us from moving forward in faith. Just like the catepillar, much change is needed before we can be transformed into the creature God would have us be.

As the catepillar grows into maturity, reaching its full length and weight, it needs a protective cocoon as it rests and prepares for its next phase of life. It may seem as if little is taking place during this time of darkness when he is held within the cocoon, but in fact, the catepillar is going through a major transformation as it strengthens and changes shape.

A new creation comes forth – a beautiful butterfly with colorful wings, and even though it may not realize it can fly in the beginning, it soon rises into the air and begins its life anew. It seems miraculous that this small creature could be changed into such a thing of beauty and mystery. If God can make this transformation, can you even begin to imagine what He can do for us? The metamorphosis of the butterfly shows us in the most magnificent way what God can do in us with His power and glory.

Just as the catepillar was transformed into the butterfly, God too may mold and shape us during many painful and troubling circumstances – times of darkness and despair when we are being held captive to fear, anxiety, or grief. Through His love and presence, our faith and love can grow stronger and our dependence on Him deeper.

We, too, have the ability to become new creatures, and to become transformed into the image of Christ. Transformation is what God desires for us – for us to keep learning, to keep growing in faith, and to keep changing into the beautiful, amazing beings He knows we can be. We have His promise that with Him, life will always be richer, better, and full of His love and grace.


Our most gracious and loving God, thank you for making us into more than we ever imagined we could be. Thank you for your transforming grace to fill our lives with hope and joy through your Son, Jesus Christ. May we strive to be more like Him, as we serve and love others. Amen

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