This is the Way

Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying: This is the way; walk in it. Isaiah 30:21

Decisions! Decisions! Do you ever feel as if you just can’t figure out the best thing to do – especially if you are trying to make an important life changing decision for yourself or for you and your family?

We can go through the pros and cons and no matter how much time and attention we give it, it seems as if we are no closer to knowing what is best. Sometimes when we try to make these decisions on our own, we get overwhelmed, filled with anxiousness, and our bodies become overly stressed. Even if we go to others for advice and apply all the wisdom we have been given and make the choice, we may be filled with so many doubts and second-guessing, that we feel no sense of peace or finality! As difficult as it may seem, sometimes we just need to turn it over to God, be patient, and let Him lead us in choosing the right path.

There is no better place to leave it than in His hands, for we know that God loves us, desires the best for us, and wants to guide us in making difficult choices. We can trust in Him, but it takes courage and faith to let it go and to totally depend on His guidance. By doing so, we are giving up our own control and being committed to His direction.

Often the most difficult part is realizing that our timing is not always God’s timing. We may feel an urgency that is not necessary, and we may just need to wait on Him. As we patiently wait, we need to search our hearts, look to Him, and be in prayer to try to discern His will for what is best for us. He may choose to respond as we are spending time with Him in prayer or during moments of quiet stillness. We may think we hear His still, quiet voice giving us the answer, or He may simply fill us with the most amazing peace and assurance that one way is the best.

Sometimes that peace is His answer and the only voice we need to hear. Things will begin to fall into place and we will know what we should do: “This is the way; walk in it.” What freedom we can experience as we leave our decisions to Him and trust in His love and grace to guide us.


Our heavenly Father, thank you that we can come to you for help with all our concerns, challenges, and major decisions we need to make in our lives. We know you want what is best for us and you will help us to find the right path. Grant us your peace and your assurance as we seek your will. Amen

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