Fix These Words in Your Heart

Fix these words of mine in your hearts and minds; tie them as symbols on your hands and bind them on your foreheads. Teach them to your children, talking about them when you sit at home and when you walk along the road, when you lie down and when you get up. Write them on the door frames of your houses and on your gates. Deuteronomy 11: 18 – 20

What a responsibility we parents and grandparents have to love, nurture, and teach our children. But do we teach them about what is truly important in our lives by our example and our words? Do we talk to them about God and His truths, or do we just assume that they will learn what they need to know from those we entrust them with for spiritual growth?

Children pick up pretty easily what we value most – whether it is hard work, being a success, the desire to have as much or more than our neighbors, seeking entertainment, spending time with our families, or our own selfish wants and needs.

But this verse reminds us that what they should see first and foremost, is our faithfulness to God. We are directed to take God’s words and tie them, bind them, teach them, talk about them, and write them down. We are to use whatever way we can to remind ourselves and our children of His love, care, and His truths about living a life of purpose and goodness.

As loving, Christian parents, we are to teach them that God will guide them in decisions regarding school, friends, family, and whatever problems they face. They need to have the confidence of knowing that God is with them at all times and that He cares about what they are going through.

In today’s world it seems even more important that we talk to our children about God and our faith. It must be so confusing to them as they hear discussions about issues that even their teachers, our leaders, other Christians, and ministers can’t agree on. They need to know where we stand and what we believe to be good and right. We need to listen to them, help them sort through their emotions and any confusion they may have, and help them form principles that they can rely on.

Their futures are going to be difficult enough without having to figure it out as they go along or having to depend on others for direction. They will need our strength and faith to guide them, but even more, they will need His love and grace ingrained in their hearts!

What a precious gift a child is. What wisdom they possess about the wonders and and mysteries of life. We can learn from them; we need to listen to them, talk to them, and help them to grow in God’s love and truth. What an awesome responsibility and wonderful privilege it is!


Dear God, thank you for the honor and privilege we have of teaching our children, grandchildren, and all other children around us about your truths. How humbling it is to think of the responsibility that brings. May we be the example of Christ they need in their lives. We pray that they will learn about your abiding love and presence and that it will always bring them strength and comfort. Amen

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