Give God The Glory

Ascribe to the Lord the glory due his name; worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness. Psalm 29:2

What is the most glorious thing you have ever seen? Was it the beauty of a sunset or a rainbow displayed across the heavens? Was it the sun shining on the ocean waves, or the majesty of the mountains rising above you? Or was it the simple miracle of a newborn child lying in your arms?

Our world is filled with glorious reminders of God’s love for us. In the busyness of life, we may often fail to see or recognize them for the gifts they are, but this doesn’t change who our amazing God is. Our Creator and Sustainer of life is the omniscient God of the Universe, He is filled with glory, and He displays it for all to see.

But what do these words “God’s glory” really mean? Can we even begin to define it? It seems like an impossible task – just as it would be to try to define God Himself. There seems to be no words to sufficiently describe His majesty and greatness. Yet, we might think of His glory as the full revelation of who God is and of all He does. We know that He is holy in His divine nature with all perfection and greatness. We know of His infinite power over the universe and of His abundant goodness to us. In all His glory, God is giving us Himself, but most of all, He is giving us His Son and His saving grace. It is His desire that we rest in the assurance of His presence and receive all the love, mercy, comfort, and strength He has to give.

The greatest blessing that any of us could hope for in this life is to be able to recognize the great beauty in the world He has created, the great good He has to offer, the great power He displays, and the great justice and grace He has to give. Then we will truly know God in all His glory. And yet, we are promised that there is more to come, as He reveals His glory even more in our eternal life to come.

So many reasons we should want to give Him glory as well – not in the sense of adding anything to His essence or to the glory He already has, but to acknowledge His greatness, appreciate His love, and let it fill us with joy and hope. And through His grace and goodness, may our hearts be filled with love for others. May we honor and praise Him. May we come before Him and “worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness”.  These words from the beautiful hymn say it so well:

To God be the glory, great things He hath done,
So loved He the world that He gave us His Son,
Who yielded His life our redemption to win,
And opened the life-gate that all may go in. 

Praise the Lord, praise the Lord,
Let the earth hear His voice;
Praise the Lord, praise the Lord,
Let the people rejoice;
Oh, come to the Father, through Jesus the Son,
And give Him the glory; great things He hath done


Our God of the Universe, we praise and glorify your most Holy name. May we lift our hearts and lives to you in gratitude for the love and grace you give. Amen

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