Continue to Live in Him

So then, just as you received Christ Jesus as Lord, continue to live in him, rooted and built up in him, strengthened in the faith as you were taught, and overflowing with thankfulness. Colossians 2: 6 – 7

I really like indoor plants and they seem to bring so much life to a room. But I’ve never really had much luck with keeping them healthy. It seems as if I always either water them much too much and kill the roots, or I don’t water them enough, and the plant slowly, but surely, begins to die due to lack of nourishment to its stems and leaves. I always feel the moisture in the soil and tend to water accordingly, but I sometimes forget how important the root system is to its ability to thrive and grow.

We can think of our trust in God in the same way. Just as a root gives stability, nourishment, and life to a plant, we need deep “roots” of faith to sustain us during the difficult times in life. Just as a plant’s past and present determine how it will flourish and grow, our past and present relationship with God is important to our spiritual well-being and ability to “walk in faith“.

Hopefully our souls have been“seeded” in His love, and no matter how weak and anxious we have become, we have learned to depend upon His presence and grace. In doing so, our faith has been able to grow until we have become “rooted” and strengthened in Him. And if so, no matter how unsuitable the “soil” or the world around us may be, we have learned to remain strong and faithful through His guidance and love.

What peace to know that our lives, our hope, and our security rest in Him. He is our refuge as the circumstances of life overwhelm us. Our “roots” have been given nourishment through the provision of His Word, and hopefully, we will continue to grow and bear fruit for Him.

We may not always be able to see, or even be aware, that we are making progress in this “faith walk”, but we are. Each one of us is an ongoing work, and even when it feels as if we are tearing down what He has “built up” in us, He will not give up.

What a comfort to know that He is working slowly and surely to shape our hearts and our souls into the strong children of faith He would have us be. How grateful we can be from an overflowing heart to God for never giving up on us even when we become weak and disheartened, and for giving us the hope and faith to continue to look to Him.


Our gracious Lord, you are our refuge in times of trouble, and our comfort and our strength. May we continue to live in you, be built up by you, and strengthened in faith by your loving presence. We give you praise from an overflowing heart.  Amen

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