Right Words at the Right Time

A word aptly spoken is like apples of gold in settings of silver. Proverbs 25: 11

I remember many times in my life when someone has said just the words I needed to hear. I’m sure you do, as well. And hopefully we, too, have done the same for others.

We all need a kind, encouraging word to help lift our spirits from time to time! Scripture tells us that our words are to be suitable for the moment – sweet to the soul and soothing to our hearts. Sometimes we need to be a source of information, comfort, and encouragement. And at other times, we need to know when to speak and when to be silent. Sometimes we just need to be still and listen. What power our words can have. They can destroy or they can build up. They can spread hatred or love. They can discourage or encourage. They can make us smile and they can make us cry. A loving word can heal and it can bless.

You may have heard this expression: “When you share in someone’s sadness, sorrow is divided. When you share in their joy, it is multiplied!” We can never overestimate the power of a perfectly timed word of kind understanding and sympathy, a word of encouragement, a compliment, or a word of gratitude for another’s joy. We need each other to share in all these experiences of life. May our eyes be opened to those around us and may we speak just “the right words at just the right time.” May we be a blessing in all we say and do.


Our heavenly Father, we thank you for those you have placed in our lives to encourage us and carry us through the difficult times of life. May we bless others around us with loving and caring words that are spoken at the time they need it most. We give you all praise and honor. Amen

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