Today is a Gift

Teach us to number our days aright, that we may gain a heart of wisdom. Psalm 90: 12

If we could be told how many days we have left on this earth, would you want to know? If you did know, do you think you would do anything differently? I wonder if we were given the time – even if it was near or far in the future – if we would appreciate this day more.

Yet, we already know that our time here is limited – our days are numbered, and that only God knows how many we have left. This verse from Psalm 90, a prayer written by Moses, is a good reminder of this truth, which essentially says: “Dear Lord, remind us often of how short our lives are, what a gift each day is and how we need to treasure each one and use it wisely.”

That tends to put life into perspective, doesn’t it?  Sometimes we just need to stop and reflect on the goodness and beauty of life and appreciate all it brings.

Life is such a gift. We aren’t promised tomorrow. But by the grace of God we have today. We must make the most of the moments we are given. As we grow in faith and knowledge of His Word, may His wisdom show us how to live each day to the fullest, to recognize what is truly important in this life, and to share the love of Christ with others.

What will we do with today? What is it that God would have us do with this one more day He has given us?


Dear God, thank you for the gift of life and for the many blessings you give us. Give us wisdom to know how to use each day wisely so others will see your love and mercy in us. Amen  

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