For everything God created is good and nothing is to be rejected if it is received with thanksgiving because it is consecrated by the word of God and prayer. 1 Timothy 4: 4 – 5
God is good! How many times we say this phrase, or hear it said, when we are experiencing happy times in our lives, when we have received good news about a concern that could have turned out so differently, or when our hearts are simply at peace and content. We sincerely mean it and are so grateful for our loving God. But oh, how hard it would be for any of us to say these words in the midst of our pain and despair.
On May 15th, I posted a devotion called “Living with His Mercy and Grace”. In it, I wrote about a blog I had just read, entitled Pray for Ben, written by Ben’s mom, Mindy. It was a deeply personal story about how her family was dealing with the devastating diagnosis of a brain tumor in her son, Ben, at the age of 4, and included the sweetest pictures of their family. Sadly, Ben passed away shortly after I had written about her amazing strength and faith in God.
Since that time, she has continued to write about the struggles her family has faced – the adjustment it has been for Jack, Ben’s twin brother, and his 2 year old sister, Meagan; how heartbreaking it has been for Mindy and her husband, Andy, to go on with life without their son; and the hope they have as they await the birth of their new daughter in September.
But her last post touched my heart in an even more significant way, as I realized how often I fail to give God praise, even in the difficult times. Through her pain and grief, she shared what God’s truths have meant to her, as she wrote about some of her favorite Bible verses she had memorized as a child and had held onto all these years. She expressed in such a heartfelt way about how they have given her the strength and faith to get through this painful journey in their lives.
I hope you will go to her site at and read her latest post entitled “Where My Feet Are Planted“. It is one of the most profound statements of walking with God’s grace and living with faith that I have ever read, and I think you will find it to be the same.
One of the verses she included was this one from 1 Timothy above, in which she wrote, “God is good. All the time.” What a remarkable story as she continues to hold on to Him and trust in His goodness. And what a lesson for all of us to remember – to give Him the honor and praise always that He so deserves.
Our most loving and gracious God, we thank you for all that is good in our lives and for your presence with us when we face difficult times. May we trust in you and have the same strong faith, strength, and grace to accept your will as this dear mother and her family has. We praise your most holy name. Amen
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