Having the Faith of a Child

 At that time Jesus said, “I praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because you have hidden these things from the wise and learned, and revealed them to little children.” Matthew 11: 25

Miles and Cole do love to learn about space and all the heavenly objects in the skies! Many times we have looked at pictures and read about each of them. I was talking to them on the phone and telling them about the big Super moon that occurred on Sunday night. I told them how it was the biggest and brightest full moon of 2014 and that it occurs when the moon is full and it passes closest to earth. I told them I had read that it was supposed to appear 30% brighter and 14 times larger than a normal full moon and that the Perseid Meteor shower was to occur at the same time to light up the night sky.

I said, “Isn’t that the most amazing thing!” Cole simply replied in a very matter of fact voice, “Yeah, but you know, Nan, God can do all those things!”  

He needed no further explanation than that! The eyes, mind, and heart of a child! What wisdom they possess and what knowledge they can teach us about the wonders and mysteries of life.

Jesus understood the mind of a child and how it only took simple faith to believe in Him. Shortly after choosing His 12 disciples, Jesus began to preach and teach in the towns of Galilee. In two of those locations, He was ignored and rejected by the people, even after they had heard His Gospel message and seen the miracles He had performed. Yet, He still prayed this prayer of thanksgiving to His Father.

Even in the midst of His despair at their failure to believe in Him as the Son of God who had come into the world as their Redeemer and Savior, He trusted His Father in all His wisdom, power, glory, and goodness. He knew the truths of the Gospel would be clear to all who would choose to believe by faith – not by wisdom or intelligence and deep insight into the mysteries of God – but merely by faith. Jesus Christ was offering the blessings of His saving grace and the gift of eternal life, but many chose not to believe and accept what could so easily have been theirs.

He understood that many that stood before Him in these Galilean cities were considered “wise and learned” men, but yet they would remain strangers to the Gospel because of their failure to see and accept what was before them. Just as is true today, individuals often reject the mysteries of God because they can’t understand and accept the truths before them of God’s existence. And what blessings they miss out on.

Our amazing God has revealed these things to little children and how easily they accept without question. May we, too, have the simple faith of a child and believe in His power and glory.


We praise you, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, for revealing the truths of your Word and your promises to us. Thank you for the faith of a child to accept that which we cannot understand, but believe to be true, because we see evidence of your presence around us each and every day. Amen

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