Living With Confidence

 Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, whose confidence is in him. He will be like a tree planted by the water that sends out its roots by the stream. It does not fear when heat comes; its leaves are always green. It has no worries in a year of drought and never fails to bear fruit. Jeremiah 17: 7 – 8

We spent the last couple of days with our boys and yesterday Kelly took Cole to his orientation for Kindergarten and then later took Miles to his for 2nd grade. They were a little shy about giving us many details about this first “back to school” experience. If anything, it seemed to increase their anxiety and excitement level – all at the same time!  Cole wonders if he will remember where his classroom is, and Miles, if he will make new friends since none of his old ones will be in his class.

On our way home, I kept thinking about those little minds and what was going through their heads! I said prayers that they would feel confident in who they are, would feel at ease with their teachers and classmates, would make friends, they would have a good year, and most of all that they would know that they are safe and much loved.

Today is their big day and our thoughts will be with them all day!  We can’t wait for their phone call after school to hear how it went!

We adults sometimes forget what a big deal this is for kids each year as they face these new situations and how important it is for them to feel confident and assured! Don’t we all need that self-confidence? How often we let our feelings of inferiority, insecurity, and inadequacy derail our strength to do not only the normal things, but the amazing, extraordinary things God has planned for us. How often circumstances in life can make us feel less than we are – less valuable and less worthy than He made us to be!

Yet, His desire is for all of us to feel confident and self assured, but most of all He wants us to feel loved. He wants us to live lives filled with love, laughter, and acceptance of who we are. And if we look to Him, He is committed to guiding us through every uncomfortable situation and giving us that unshakable confidence, hope, and trust in Him.

Don’t we all want to be that “tree” that is strong and able to bear fruit? We want others to see that trust and confidence we have placed in His provisions for our lives. Our hearts know that God will take care of every need, just as He does for the tree near a stream that receives water from its roots and does not wilt when the heat comes.

But many times, we “wilt”. We  become fearful and anxious under the strain of difficult situations. If we could only live with the gift of walking with Him in faith and having the confidence of knowing He will always be with us to carry us through.

May we let Him encourage our hearts and remember the beautiful verse from Philippians 4: 13: “I can do everything through him who gives me strength.”   


Our most gracious and loving God, help us to live with confidence and assurance in your love for us. May we realize that we can’t be the strong individuals you made us to be without your presence and guidance with us. We thank you  for the gift of life and all its many blessings. Amen 

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