Living a Life For Him

Salt is good, but if it loses its saltiness, how can you make it salty again? Have salt in yourselves, and be at peace with each other. Mark 9:50

Have you ever thought about the influence you may have on others? Have you ever wondered if people are watching you and the way you live your life? Some might even be checking for our “saltiness”!

In this particular verse, Jesus tells us to have salt in yourselves”. It is an expression that is rarely used or heard today, but interestingly the word “salt” is found over 40 times in Scripture. Yet, here, Jesus gives no explicit explanation or image to help us with its meaning.

To fully understand, we need to recognize salt’s use and value in early biblical cultures, as well as, today. Salt now, as then, is a necessity of life. Our bodies require a certain amount and it is important as a seasoning for our food. It was also once used as a preservative for meat, a disinfectant for cleansing, and often as a unit of exchange or payment.

Many times Jesus referred to his disciples as “the salt of the earth, meaning they should have a positive influence on the world by the way they lived their lives. He was telling them that they were just like “salt” in that they too were of infinite value, they too had to be a “preservative” for the Christian faith, and they also could not lose their usefulness in working for His Kingdom.

As followers of Jesus Christ, we too must continue to keep our “saltiness”. We must show others what living a life for Him is all about as they see our faith, mercy, and compassion. We are the means for spreading His love and message of hope to the world.

“Have salt in yourselves” means to live a life for God – one filled with love, wisdom, understanding, faithfulness, obedience, value, and permanence. Just as salt cannot become contaminated with dirt or other impurities, neither can our lives become contaminated by the world. If so, then our “salt” loses its value and we become less effective in showing others the way to Him.

May we be who God would have us be, and “be at peace with each other”living for Him and sharing His love.


Dear Lord, what truths we can find in your Word. Help us to be the individuals you desire us to be and to share your message of love and grace with the world. Amen

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