Let Us Dwell in His Presence

One thing I ask of the Lord, this is what I seek; that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord, and to seek him in his temple. For in the day of trouble he will keep me safe in his dwelling; he will hide me in the shelter of his tabernacle and set me high upon a rock. Psalm 27: 4 – 5

Many pray this beautiful prayer, but perhaps not with the deep longing that David had in his heart. The one thing he asks of His Lord and God is that he would be able to dwell in His house all the days of His life. And while dwelling there, he longs to see the Lord’s beauty, refresh his own spirit with His goodness, and have the security of knowing that he will always be in His care.

Perhaps in our weakest moments, this might be our desire as well. If we had one request, ours might have the same meaning, but we would probably express it in a different way, such as, “Where can we go for refuge, Lord, to escape and be free from the storms of life that rage around us? Where can we be rid of the anxieties and cares of this world and feel completely at rest with peace and contentment?”  

David knew the answer and is simply asking God, “Give me yourself and I will ask no more, let me gaze upon your beauty and seek you and know you.” He is asking to be able to live in God’s presence and to know that he will forever be in His safe, loving arms. He wants to become lost in wonder, love, and praise for His Almighty God. He wants to delight himself and worship Him in His glorious majesty, His infinite wisdom, divine holiness, His justice, truth, grace, and mercy. It is the only thing He asks of His Lord. It is the prayer of his heart.

Do we have a heart like David’s that is filled with so much love for God that we want to “dwell” with Him and know Him more? Do we desire to worship Him in the beauty of His holiness with praise and gratitude?

May we have the longing of David and ask, “Give us yourself God, let us dwell in your presence all the days of our lives.”   


Our most almighty and gracious God, may we worship you today and every day with a loving and grateful heart. May we be in awe of your glory and power, trust in your grace, and rest in your care. Amen

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