He Will Remain Faithful

Here is a trustworthy saying . . .  If we are faithless, he will remain faithful, for he cannot disown himself. 2 Timothy 2: 13

If someone asked you if you were a faithful follower of Christ, what would your response be?

It shouldn’t be as difficult to answer as it is, should it? We want to be. We have faith in Him, but are we are always faithful? Do we put Him first and foremost above everything else in our lives?  Do we worship Him, read His Word, spend time with Him in prayer and listen for His voice in the stillness? Do we obey Him and follow His truths? Do we give enough and love Him as devotedly as we know we should?

I fail Him in so many ways, but I am so grateful for a God who still calls me His own and remains faithful to me even when I’m not.

If we were as faithless to our spouses and the other special people in our lives as we are to God, what do you think would happen to our relationships?

We know from experience that if we don’t put enough love, commitment, trust, time, and effort into a relationship, it will fail. We also know what happens if one person tries to make the relationship work and the other offers nothing in return. It too will probably fail because there is nothing to base it on, nothing to hold it together.

Yet, our God holds on to us. How grateful we can be that He still calls us His own and remains faithful to us even when we are not.

What an amazing truth – “If we are faithless, He will remain faithful.” This verse is not meant to discourage, but instead, it should offer us hope and comfort as we are reminded of who our loving Father is. God is merciful, loving, gracious, forgiving, and always trustworthy and faithful. God is always going to be God. He is never changing, always consistent, and always true to His promises. If we believe in His Son, Jesus Christ, we have His Word that we will have His saving grace to live eternally with Him.

May our hearts be more faithful to the One who cares for us, loves us, and provides for all our needs. May we glorify Him with our words, our deeds, and our lives.


Dear Lord, thank you for loving us and being faithful to us even when we don’t show our love and gratitude to you in return. Thank you for your Son and His saving grace. Amen

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