He Will Give Us Rest

Be at rest once more, O my soul, for the Lord has been good to you. Psalm 116: 7

On this Sunday morning, the 23rd day of November, we give God our gratitude for the gift of rest and for all the many ways He shows His goodness to us.

Does your body and spirit ever just feel weary, like mine does, from the cares of life? If so, we might need to spend some time with God in rest, and what better day to do so than on this Sabbath day that He set aside for us.

We read in Scripture that even our Creator rested on the seventh day, and that during His ministry on earth, Jesus often slipped away to have quiet time alone with His Father. He needed the physical rest away from the crowds, but He also needed God’s strength, comfort, and assurance to endure what lay before Him. God wants us to follow His example and find peace and rest in Him for this day and for the days to come.

We all have these times when we need Him to refresh our spirits and replenish our souls. On this Sunday morning, it may mean resting in silence while we listen for His still, quiet voice to reassure us, or we might wish to go before Him in worship, feeling His presence and praising His name. Or we might desire to find Him in the quiet rest of a Sunday afternoon as we reflect on His goodness and let His love and presence fill our hearts. Or perhaps we need to spend some time with Him in His Word, and in His stillness, find encouragement and the assurance of His grace. However we choose to find rest in Him, we have His promise that we can always lay our weariness and cares before Him, and that He will refresh our bodies, minds, and souls in His perfect, loving way.

What strength, comfort, and rest we can find in our quiet, still times alone with our God. How grateful we are that in this ever changing world, one constant remains the same, and that is His ever present goodness and love.


Our heavenly Father, we thank you for the rest we can find in you and for all the ways you show your love, goodness, and grace to us. We give you all honor, glory, and praise. Amen

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