The Word became flesh and made his dwelling among us. We have seen his glory, the glory of the One and Only, who came from the Father, full of grace and truth. John 1: 14
Our worship service yesterday reminded us that Christmas may be over, but its message lives on. The choir sang the most beautiful song with the words, “Beautiful Savior, I am in awe of you! You are the wonder of my heart, the wonder of my soul, the wonderful One.”
If only we could keep those words in our hearts and look at our Savior and Lord in those terms and continue to marvel at the life He gives us and of His saving grace.
The song had to have been chosen to prepare us for the message that followed for it was a loving reminder to not forget what this Savior who came to us as a child means to our world. The excitement over His birth is over, Christmas has been put away until next year, and our hearts probably won’t be quite as grateful, loving, and giving. But yet, we were reminded that Christmas is not the end of God’s plan for sending His Son to earth to live among us, but only the beginning.
This beautiful passage from John is an invitation for us to keep our hearts and minds focused on God’s glory each and every day, not just during the Christmas season. He reminds us that Christ was with God from the beginning of creation, and it was God’s plan for Him to become the Savior of the world. Since the fall of man in the Garden of Eden, the world has waited for His arrival on earth and with His birth, came the light in the midst of the darkness.
Before His coming, God had revealed Himself through His creations, through His works among men, and through His Word, but when Christ came to live among us, God revealed His glory in person through His Son. Jesus didn’t just tell about the glory of God or merely demonstrate it, He came to reveal God and His glory to the world, for He was and is God.
Christ came to earth to dwell among us to fulfill His purpose and the will of His Father. He came to teach us, to show us how to love, and He gave His life for us. He came to feel our pain, to realize the temptations we face, and to understand what it is like to be us. And then He paid the ultimate sacrifice and died on the cross to save us and to give us eternal life.
What an inconceivable love our God has for us to give us such a gift of His Son. May Christmas live on in our hearts as we remember to give Him all glory, honor, and praise.
Dear God, thank you for the gift of your Son who came to dwell among us and to give us His saving grace. May we continue to marvel at the depth of your love, power, and glory, and be in awe of such a beautiful Savior, Lord, and King. Amen
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