May the Grace, Love, and Presence of God Be With You

May the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with you all. 2 Corinthians 13: 14

Happy New Year! As I sit here writing my last devotional, I can’t express to you how much my heart is filled with gratitude and joy. I end this journey with this last verse, praying that the grace and love of Jesus Christ will always be upon you. I am so grateful for the opportunity to have spent this time with God and to have had the chance to share my faith and His Word with you. I hope each and every verse has been a source of strength, comfort, assurance and love, as they have been for me.

I pray that in the coming year you will have good health, much happiness, peace, and much love, but most of all, it is my prayer that all of us will seek to know our God more. I pray we will see Him in every part of our day and be aware of His presence with us.

May we spend time with Him and worship Him, giving Him much praise for the goodness in our lives – for all the wonderful gifts He provides each and every day – the provisions we need for life, the gift of family, friendship, love, laughter, comfort, strength, hope, healing, the assurance of His love, the beauty of His creation, and the beauty of the people around us. And above all, I pray we will always be in awe of His love and grace.

As many of you have already discovered, amazing things happen when we open our hearts to Him and let Him fill our world with His presence. Life becomes much richer and more joyful than we could ever imagine.

Happy New Year! May it be a wonderful one, and may God bless you for remaining in His Word and for “Living in His Loving Presence”.

(Some of you have written comments that you began reading these devotionals late in the year and you would like to read earlier entries. They will continue to be available. Of course, since they were dated 2014, many of the holidays and Sundays won’t match up, but the message will be the same. Just simply go to as you have been, click on January under the Archives on the right hand side of this page, or go to the Daily Devotional Archives and January’s entries will be listed first, and then each month following. Hope this will make them easier to locate.)


Our most gracious and loving God, we cannot give you enough honor, glory, and praise for the love and blessings you have bestowed on us and our families in the past year. Thank you for your presence with us, for all the smiles and laughter and for all the many ways you have kept us in your loving care. We ask your continued blessings upon us as we enter this new year and ask that you open our hearts in a way that brings us closer to you. Thank you for the gift of your Son, for your Spirit that lives within us, and for your grace that is always upon us. Amen

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