Nothing Is Too Hard For Him
Ah, Sovereign Lord, you have made the heavens and the earth by your great power and outstretched arm. Nothing is too hard for you. Jeremiah 32: 17
Nothing like ending the summer with a trip to the beach! Our boys are there for a couple of days and they are excited! Last night Kel sent sweet pictures of them playing in the ocean and sand after the sun had gone down. The looks on their faces were priceless! It was a new experience for them to be out on the beach so late, and they were enjoying every minute of it.
What an awesome reminder of God’s power and glory in the magnificent beauty of the ocean, the wide stretch of sand, the darkening blue sky, the setting sun, the stars in the sky, and the light of the moon shimmering on the ocean waves! Where could so much beauty and glory of His creation be seen in one place!
And what a reminder of His providence in our lives with the simple words: “Ah, Sovereign Lord. . . Nothing is too hard for you.” When we think of how He made the entire universe out of nothing by His sole command and word, how could we ever doubt that with Him all things are possible?
There is no problem He can’t solve, no heart He can’t soften, no tears He can’t turn to joy. There is nothing that lies beyond His ability to accomplish. If God has the power to do all these things, how can we ever doubt that He also has the ability to reach into our lives and help us with any difficult circumstances we are experiencing. He is the One who can change our hearts and give us hope and strength.
So many times our prayers and our faith are limited by our inability to believe in His power. Fear and doubt began to creep in, our faith weakens, and we lose hope. But God has always been faithful to show us that we can believe in Him and trust in His love and grace with whatever situation comes our way. We have His promises in His Word and we have seen His faithfulness firsthand.
Life can be difficult and so uncertain, and we know what lies ahead for these little boys. Now their lives are filled with such innocence and they feel loved and protected. But this will change as they get older and life gets more complicated. I think this is the reason why it is so sweet and gratifying for us to see them playing on a beach.
We know these simple, carefree days won’t last forever. There will be times when they will have to make difficult decisions, they will face disappointment and rejection, they will feel heartache and pain. But hopefully they are learning that they can always trust that our Sovereign God knows what they are going through and will be with them to love and guide them through the difficult times. They recognize His power and they see His glory. They understand that He can do great and impossible things. Oh, the faith of a child. May we too trust in Him and believe in His power.
Our loving and gracious, all powerful God, thank you for the blessings of life, the beauty of your world, and for the opportunities we are given to enjoy it. Help us to remember that in your great sovereignty, you know all things and know the reasons why we go through the things we do. But help us also to remember that nothing is too hard for you and you will always be with us, carrying us through. Amen